Turn on the dark


Probably too old for a page like this so if you are after current news over to Claire herself. Meanwhile I will share the odd snippet of news and a photograph by herself. She is now off studying at University and her photography is coming along at great pace.

Family meal.

A December Family Meal or Three Generations - with a little bit of vignette applied

A Very Young Claire in words

The meringue.

Lemon Meringue Pie

Claire has a quest to find the best lemon meringue pie in the north west. So far The Chattery in Lytham is favourite.

Don't you just love the way children see things for what they really are. Well we start with some of the gems that fell from her lips like pearls of great insight for one, at the time, so young.

"Daddy there's more downs than ups."

...to a washing machine
"Get out of my way!"

...posing on the sofa
- "I'm just pretending to be a woman."

...during dinner one Sunday
- "Sprouts are like green cherries."

father - "Are you going to wash your hair?"
Claire - "It's not in my diary."

"Everybody is annoying at sometime in their life."

father - "Do you like the new shed?"
Claire - "It's a house."

...dangling her feet over the side of a swimming pool -
- "I want to walk on the water, but I can't."

...whilst climbing a very steep hill.
- "I am an adventurous person but sometimes I get scared."

Favourite Foods