Turn on the dark

This is David's page

Talking to his father one day:

David: "What does mummy want to be when she grows up?"

Father: "Isn't mummy already grown up?"

David: "No, she's just a big girl."

David and his ice cream.

No Dad, I am not going to pose
- I have an ice cream here!

Our little boy fills our lives with great joy, some anxiety and well all the stuff any parent knows about. This page is here to share some of that with his wider family and friends. Mostly images, some words from himself and more from me, his father.

He is a joy for all! Let us start with some of his wonderful ways of looking at the world. I wish to could get back to the unknowing intelligence. Once when he wanted his Grandad to turn off the light so he could go to sleep. He came out with this little gem: "Turn on the dark Grandad". Now can you say that he is wrong in his logic?

As I am sure all parents think - he is one in a billion. Though nowadays that would mean there is another five exactly the same! Okay, let us just settle for the fact that he is very special to us.
