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Diary of a father

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Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr- May-Jun-Jul-Aug- Sep-Oct-Nov-Dec

December previous« »next

Tuesday 31th

Happy New Year - we enjoyed a lovely local curry ourselves!

Sunday 29th

Had a lovely walk today, (thanks to one of my birthday promisory notes), along our local canal bank in the centre of town. And then a quick lunch in the old locksmith's cafe - nice. A clear crisp and fresh morning.

Wednesday 25th

Family and Christmas go together. We had a lovely day; good food, fun and family - nice. The vegetable count this year - fourteen: onion, leek, swede, carrot, parsnip, butternut squash, cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, black cabbage, peas, baby corn, french beans, and of course, the favourite sprouts!

We even played charades this year, as well as watching a couple of films and not forgetting Dr Who! Then there is the drinking, more eating, and some presents too. No snow but unfortunately many areas in the south are suffering bad floods and power loss so they are probably grateful for that. And this bad weather hasn't finished with us yet!

Sunday 8th

And I am back at karate again! Three weeks ago found this lump on my chest. It seems to have gone now but for a while a bit worrying. We have loads of posters at work about 'Find a lump go see your doctor - it could be cancer' so you have to do the right thing.

Xmas day.

Anyway it is Christmas and yesterday we helped out at the school Christmas fair. David went to a friend's party so we two adults enjoyed a lovely evening being a couple - nice. I now know what a trivet is!

Sunday 1st

Who knew buses to Oldham were so infrequent! Anyway the Advent Calendar got off to a rough start when I realised this morning I had failed to upload the fixed version. It should be fine for those with a modern browser else you'll get an old one as I didn't have time to make this one degrade gracefully. Enjoyed seeing the rest of the family yesterday as we journeyed up North. Four generations in one room and birthday cake what could be more fun?

November previous« »next

Sunday 24th

Both adults are suffering a bad month healthwise. Weekends are not very productive and just about a chance to recharge before another week of work. The backlog of jobs around the house grow. We can enjoy the Dr Who anniversary stuff though as it requires no effort. No football for ages too. I did have an interesting present this year - some promissory cards to cash in later :-)

October previous« »next

Sunday 20th

Work is keeping me busy. Still we managed to enjoy a nice meal at the Indian we frequent (must be at least three times a year!) for E's birthday. And last weekend my dad came down, which was nice. Tonight the rain has come down with avengance after staying away most of yesterday. I visited Gillingham where it wasn't too bad. Great session at Karate this morning but whacked now. Must get my fitness up.

The plum tree is doing rather well which is a slight pity. I had thought I'd bought a pear tree and the plums are quite bitter. The apple tree on the other hand managed three apples. Very nice but a small crop. The potatoes, stragglers from last year, produced a small yield and the spring onions were not bad if a little strong. Not too bad for a poor gardener. Another thing I don't have enough time for.

Started work on the advent calendar. A Dr Who theme this year but you'll have to wait for anything more!

September previous« »next

Sunday 22nd

Finally well enough to get out to see some football! Always seem to get hit when they return to school. Two weekends running did nothing of any note or substance - argh!

Friday 13th

Oh, it's raining again. Oh no, my love's at an end. Okay, enough Supertramp lyrics for one day. Got a bit wet on my journey home and here ends the second school week! Also I fear the weather is signalling the end of summer. Oh well the football has started just haven't managed to visit any new grounds yet this season.

Big school and rugby for the little man. And he starts earlier - so much for flexi-time. He seems to be enjoying the new adventure so that's good. A student is back for a second year - proud dad.

August previous« »next

The Party

Well our party went really well - thanks to the excellent Bees Knees Band and my friend Rod, some great efforts from the family, mainly Elizabeth, decorating the hall and Lesley for some special cakes. I don't have photographs - too busy having fun dancing. Must do it again!

The Holiday

Down amongst the Devon trees we enjoyed another week of fun. Escot gave us a few hours of fun and sight of some red squirrels. Their maze was pretty good and an impressive sheer drop slide kept David good for half an hour. Nearby was a piece of art in the shape of a much grown termite mount made of wood. It was supposed to give you an idea of what it would feel like to be in a real mound with the true sounds echoing around the shaped section. I am glad there were no supersized termites but I think more of the mound structure would be needed to give a good experience.

We weren't there at a good time to see much of the squirrels but we did see a couple. We had our own picnic but my wife bought me some nice tea to join it from a nearby stall. When we left we carried onto Sidmouth and Jacobs Ladder. These high wooden steps drop down from some gardens (Connaught Gardens) to a lovely beach which we explored. A very old fashioned English beach resort; rock pools, red sand, a small shop selling the usual seaside tat and a pleasant cafe.

Dartmouth Ferry.

Newton Abbot has a splendid toys shop where I found a 1,000 piece jigsaw to keep me quiet though I haven't finished it yet. We took the quartet of Pirates of the Caribbean films with us and most of us enjoyed all from start to finish over a number of days - great entertainment.

One morning three of us spent an hour at a climbing centre; two of us were new to the sport but the little man was showing us his prowess. Even though it should be your legs that get you up it was my arms that felt the efforts; more learning required I think. I can see the attraction.

We also travelled down to see the marvellous Babbacombe model village. Now featuring the Shard! Then further down the coast to English Heritage site of Dartmouth Castle by way of Dartmouth itself and its cute little ferry. Both are great traditional British attractions (a lovely cuppa enjoyed at both ;-))

July previous« »next

Saturday 19th

Thankfully the ridiculous temperatures (around 30oC) have eased off to middle twenties for the country fair. No pigs or chickens this year but some interesting sheep. David enjoyed the giant slide and the bungie stretching health test. We also enjoyed the various side shows including a local artist's stall and writing with a quill! We had lunch via a food store serving bacon rolls, burgers and chips - Oh to be in England. And they served tea, of course.

These hot days are one thing but the hot nights are a real nuisance - sleep is difficult upstairs. We don't have the houses here that cope well with these recent temperatures. Our house has registered 27oC at eight o'clock in the morning downstairs. The heat is even worse upstairs. We have enjoyed eating outdoors a few times but generally it's a bit too hot for my liking. Thankfully my work place is kept at a nice ambient temperature and a welcome break from the hot house at home.

It is at times like this it would be nice to be have truly flexible lifestyle arrangements and switch to the Spanish model of afternoon siesta and stay up later.

June previous« »next

This year we're basking in a heat wave which means bad hayfever, sun burn and general lethargy - yuk! It also means open windows at night and sharing the noises of the neighbourhood. We also have to keep an eye on our bird baths. We seem to have a pair of blackbirds visiting us frequently, along with the magpies. Some are less discerning about which they drink from, as opposed the bird bath they wash in.

Monday 10th

A weekend of sun and treating the swing seat.

Sunday 2nd

Family do and we christen Kelly's little girl, Amelia. A trip to Torrisholme by way of Ormskirk.

May previous« »next

Tues 28th

My dad with his American visitors drop by for some afternoon tea and tales of Paris traffic. Unfortunately the persistent rain deprived them of a good view of our hills. Nice to see them again.

Over the weekend we have made some more progress on the garden and moved some of the trees around (they are in pots) and laid some more slabs under the swing. Meanwhile E worked on the grass, front and back; I think she's winning! It was really nice working in the garden in the English sun. We even managed a meal outside and some gently swinging in the seat listening to the mellow Sunday afternoon sounds of BBC 6 Music in particular The Huey Show - nice.

I am trying to truly get on top of my photographs both prints and digital ones in preparation for getting another photobook done. It is so difficult dating some prints and even digital ones aren't always reliably date stamped. Some of the prints come from Kodak's 110 film - not 35mm SLR quality at all but a few are half decent. More importantly they capture the history. It's interesting how quickly it has become common practice to snap at everything. While I can talk of the the science of photography I have captured just as many beauties by snapping away as from a measured photographic shoot. I love to see spontaneity in portrait pictures; capture the moment and the person.

Twisted Cool.
Sun 12th

Football is ending with a bit if a whimper for my teams as The Brewers lose their playoff semifinal, Forest Green drop to 10th and the Reds look like ending 7th.

Yesterday we had an Ikea day and got a table for the lounge but back in time to enjoy a picnic in front of the FA Cup final - nice one Latics! The table is looking good but I fear for Wigan - relegation beckons.

Mon 6th - Friday 10th

Bank holiday weekend we got some real sun and temperatures over 20oC! E is having one last go at fixing the lawn at the back and I started sorting out the swing area - bound to rain now :-( And it did and we ended the week with serious rainfalls and a drop to 11oC.

April previous« »next

Mon 16th

Is gets warmer and wetter! Still there is a sense of spring in the air and some virus that lays us low. It is nice to see our student as she came down to join us for a week before moving on last Friday. My weekend was a washout as I was ill. The following weekend was E's turn and I played nursemaid ;-) Neither enabling much football to be seen or DIY progressed. Still worse we missed a party (sorry Alison) and my karate is really suffering.

March previous« »next

Sat 23rd - Sun 24th

It starts off with some snow! But although the wind is extremely chilling the snow melts away. Most families hide away in doors and we are no exceptions. So some more decorating is in order after starting the landing last weekend I move down to the hallway. The others are enjoying a quiet start to their end of term break.

Cool dude.
Sat 16th - Sun 17th

And I play with my Pi. I manage to get the old PS2 Eyetool successfully working with the Pi, after a fashion.

Sat 2nd - Sun 3rd

We all go to look over a school for David and then do a rare family food shopping trip. I progress the painting while Rovers manage a draw at Cambridge.

February previous« »next

Sat 23rd - Sun 24th

We seem to have some bitter winds encamped overhead removing any ideas that spring is even nearly here. I have finally been painting our bedroom and fixing a broken shower knob. Sunday and I do a seminar with our new sensei which was quite fun. I would like to make a start on the garden but the cold is making it too off putting. The little bike needs some care and attention ahead of getting it back on the road - I'm hoping it will warm up a bit - it doesn't.

Saturday 16th

Another family visit to the New Lawn and I actually see Rovers win but just by the one goal! Excellent food as usual and we meet some friends.

Saturday 9th

Another weekend jaunt to see my first great niece! Oh and my sister and Father - nice. And weirdly another journey in which all the motorway signs were telling us about Severe Weather on the Sunday we aimed to come home and encamp in our lovely warm home. We happily and easily missed the severe weather but Monday did bring strong winds.

Saturday 2nd

Another cold - argh! Still cold outside after a week of strong winds.

January 2012« »Feb

Early on

And we still have colds - achoo! Such a waste of time, being ill. Anyway at least it is drier this year. And then we have to go back to work.

Saturday 12th

Well enough, we take a trip up to see my dad and then a lovely drive through Yorkshire down to Bradford where we visit the National Media Museum and I enjoy some football at Valley Parade. It was cold but at this time of year the light can be delightful in a clear sky.

Saturday 19th

Snowing heavily yesterday so we did little. I enjoy some of the football while others watch TV after their earlier efforts at making a snowman and a snow dog - nice job.

We welcome Amelia to the family, ignore the fact that it makes me a great uncle, and instead send our congratulations to Kelly and Tom!

Parts of the county have their bin collections halted. Ours make it through.

Weekend 26/27th

We attempt to give some love and care to the house as it survives its third winter. I join the neighbours to clear our cul-de-sac of frozen ice so we can get out to work on Monday. The road has a fairly significant slope that is troublesome if there is any ice or compacted snow.

Wintery scene en route to Karate