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Diary of a father - 2009

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Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr- May-Jun-Jul-Aug- Sep-Oct-Nov-Dec

December previous« »next year

This year I found the annual event came upon me in a rush. Only just managed to fit in the minimum and barely avoided being snowed in up north. The lovely wife made a magnificent meal on the day, mmm!

Hall tree.

At work my team entered a Xmas tree decorating competition and were not placed but it was fun. Other events at work kept me busy for longer than recent years. Just before the 25th when visiting my father we just escaped before eight inches of snow would have kept us in but made for an interesting journey.

It was more of an effort decorating this year as we had to find new places for the old favourites and had not indulged in any additions.

Had a close shave on the train home when I nearly slept through my stop; I was saved by a regular fellow traveller giving me a nudge (thanks again!). Locally we got a sprinkling of snow but nothing to cause any major problems or provide much in the way of 'deep and crisp and even'.

Early December and no snow yet just a bit of frost. The local town switched the (three) lights on; thanks to Keith Allen for a great speech and the shop keepers did their bit for the goodwill evening. It was a lovely evening, cold but we warmed ourselves in a cafe and some egg & chips were enjoyed!

The 5th arrived and we planted two trees in our back garden to mark Tree o'clock day. Forgot the lawn seed again!

November previous« »next month

And we have already been to see some fireworks! Not half way through this autumn month and the gales arrive - nice! Earlier we enjoyed some more unpacking and on a lighter note, some home made bread. Elizabeth has been using a panasonic bread maker. She has made some lovely loaves, small, large and even granary.

Slowly but surely the house is becoming a more familiar place as pictures go up and personal trinkets come out of the boxes. The back garden remains an oasis of mud only interupted by the odd plant in a pot or the bird table or bird bath. We do have some plans for what will go where just need time and the weather to make it so.

October previous« »next month

Three weeks in one place - what a welcome change, and we get internet access too. The flat was at the top of the building and putting heating on was pointless; those below us must have been paying out for it though! David had a Victorian day at school and dressed accordingly.

So eventually by the middle of the month we have the keys! Yes to our new home and okay lots to do, stuff to unpack and the place is not fully shipshape but we're in!

The local park.

Halloween and trick or treat! Not a single visitor but the pumpkin still goes outside. Our few neighbours did indulge our son though. Earlier in the week we had been to a fun fair and enjoyed some splendid fireworks.

September previous« »next month

Back to school. The nights close in and the heating comes on. The football throws up the odd intereting game with many teams not yet into their stride. We hopping around the coutryside while we wait on our home move to reach completion. We've seen a fair deal of the new area and various different holiday accommodations. We've even managed a detailed understanding of the tourist board star rating system.

One penny pinching land lady charged well over the odds for electricity and insisted we run a dehumidifier because of a damp problem in the property. Nice view but wouldn't recommend it.

One place was billed as a romantic farm cottage and located down a single track lane. Quaint, lousy tv, no internet and an old meter that swallowed a few pound coins but not unfairly. We liked the cows.

August July« »Sept.

This month saw the school holidays bringing mother and son together all day! It also saw a trip to watch Grimsby's first match of the season while the girls shopped. There was a trip to a farm and back to some favourite haunts in Lytham. And we went down some caves in the Forest of Dean; an old ochre mine.

July June« »Aug.

And now for the thunderstorms! The count down for the end of term is going slowly. Plans for the holidays are afoot. The little man's missing front teeth are still not showing out from the gums!

It seems incredible that we've been here five years. More incredible is our freezer, I have had it over twenty years now and I guess my granddad had it before me! It is showing a little rust now. It compares well with our fridge, also a secondhand donation and more modern, that is not lasting as well. Despite both working we going to get a new replacemnt on the basis that modern fridge-freezer will be more economic to keep and greener (sometimes literally!). At least the old ones are properly dealt with now.

I have also found somewhere to donate two old bicycles rather than scrap them, at last.

We make more trips down to the new house. It is one of first to be complete on this site. At present the house and garage are comlete but the garden isn't fully fenced off yet and the usual builders mess is very evident. The house behind us has a massive storm drain in its garden - nice!

New back garden - as is!

June previous« »next month

Summer! Well a few hot days and then wind and rain. We are busy with our spring cleaning still. We do a bit of travelling but for work rather than fun. Clover on the lawns is enjoyed by the bees. We get a crop of raspberries and the plums continue to look good. Small signs on the apple trees and the hawthorn bushes are also in berry.

May previous« »next month

The local Gala parade was well and truly soaked. Poor kids, but what true British pluck! David dressed as a cowboy; his parents wore big substantial waterproofs - wimps. Most of the stalls at least were inside and here luck was with the youngster has he came away from one stall with the most ginormous easter egg!

And it seems the April showers are now upon us! After a couple of days of hot sunshine to kid us into thinking summer is here! This month has bank holidays galore but who is celebrating banks? We continue our major spring clean and find new homes for unwanted toys and stuff; and recycle what we can of the other stuff we no longer want.

April previous« »next month

April showers and some sun to enjoy. We trundle up to Sandhead for some vacation.

The compost heap is finally producing some of the good stuff which I spread on the vegetable patch to close the circle. Otherwise we give the garden a spring clean. And down comes the play house and swing! His fun, now, is not kiddie style.

The plum tree is covered in a lovely blossom, as too our the hawthorn bushes in the front garden.

Scottish tower

March previous« »next month

The march of spring is coming! David's school is continuing with the weekly spelling tests. His sister is working hard and as parents we smile. The garden shows signs of growth but only in parts. My oak tree has no leaves..

February previous« »next month

Half term and we visit South Gloucestershire, the hills are alive! We did Slimbridge, Longleat, Cheltenham and the Severn bridge! For me it also offered a chance to visit a few childhood memories.

The whole country, except around here, is snow covered; and thickly. We get chill winds and a dusty covering of snow flakes but not enough for the ground to look anything other than cold. At least half term is getting closer. The birds are frequent visitors during these freezing times to eat at our table.

Week two and we get 1mm of snow that lasts a few hours. We are fed up of the national news' obsession with the snow covered country that is not evident where we live.

January previous« »next month

A chilly start to this year and all so quickly we're all back to school or work. Two weeks into the year and the winds blast through bringing the usual rain but no snow - ah!.

The sheep are back and bleating into the night. There are lambs looking too cute for words and the odd black sheep.

There is much to do this year but we're off to a slow cold sniffling start, why rush?

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